My practice

2018 Art Therapy Foundation Course, BAAT.
2010 P.G.C.E Art and Design, Goldsmiths University.
2007 M.A in Fine Art, Byam Shaw, Central Saint Martins.
2003 BA Fine Art, Sheffield Hallam University.
2005 Creative Burngreave, Sheffield.
2001 Rotherham Hospital, Rotherham
2001 Northern General Hospital, Sheffield.

My work seeks to explore the relationship between art and therapy. Through the use of different mediums, I create abstract analogue and digital collages driven by the feelings that colour and geometric forms produce in me.
Strongly fascinated by Alain de Botton and J. Armstrong’s book Art as Therapy and W. Kandinsky’s Concerning the Spiritual in Art, my artistic research is centred around the therapeutic effects of art. Its power to process and alleviate the struggles of life and everything that I and our society experience. Working with abstract shapes help me immerse myself in this cathartic process and be guided by intuition and unconsciousness.
When I create a collage, I do not have a preconceived idea of the final result. Only at the end, I can visually assess the spectrum of emotions that I have been carrying and dealing with at the time of cutting, sticking and overlapping geometric shapes, whether they are analogue or digital collages.
Ultimately, my abstract compositions become part of a fascinating process in which they transform into useful tools for improving my mental and physical health and with the act of sharing this with my viewers.
2024 Egg-Xhibition, Fourth Wall Folkestone, UK
2024 Dream Week, Open Art Spaces, London, UK
2023 Spitalfields Arts Market, London, UK
2023 Art Market, Open Art Spaces, London, UK
2023 FPS Group Show, The Muse Gallery, London, UK
2023 The Hepworth Wakefield Print Fair, Wakefield, UK
2022 People of Print Art Fair, Brighton, UK
2021 The Print Shop 2021, Brixton Artists Circle, London, UK
2021 World Collage Day, Fragmented Collective, online exhibition
2021The Space in Between, TAOI Collective, online exhibition
2021The Space in Between,54 The Gallery, Mayfair, UK
2021 Let Us Eat Cake, Pineapple Black, online exhibition
2021 New Beginnings, TAOI Collective, online exhibition
2020 CuratorSpace and The State Of The Arts online art fair
2020 The Art of Isolation Exhibition, Espacio Gallery, London, UK
2019 Winter Exhibition 2019, Candid Gallery, London, UK
2019 London Ultra 2019, Bargehouse, Oxo Tower, London,UK
2019 Summer Salon 2019, Islington Arts Factory, London, UK
2019 Solo Exhibition, Perfectas Imperfecciones, Artist Takeover, Studio 73, London
2019 Art Number 23, The Old Biscuit Factory, London, UK
2018 The Fronteer Open 2018, 35 Chapel Walk Gallery, Sheffield, UK
2018 Art of Caring, St Pancras Hospital, London, UK
2018 Summer Salon 2018, Islington Arts Factory, London, UK
2018 Art of Caring, St George’s Hospital, London, UK
2018 Platform for Emerging Arts 17, Leyden Gallery, London, UK
2017 Winter Salon Exhibition, Rye Creative Centre, UK
2016 Islington Art and Design Fair, Candid Arts Galleries, London, UK
2016 Voluntary Action Islington, London, UK
2015 Art of Caring, Rose Theatre, London, UK
2014 Open Up, Cell Studio, London, UK
2009 Europe meets America, Seyhoun Gallery, Los Angeles, U.S.A
2007 M.A Show, Central Saint Martins, London
2007 Nosotras, Vidansvang Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2007 Arteria, Monzon, Huesca, Spain
2006 Solo exhibition, Amen, Yorkshire Art Space, Sheffield, U.K
2005 Group Exhibition, Yorkshire Art Space, Sheffield, U.K
2004 Sheffield Open Up, Trafalgar Studios, Sheffield, U.K
2004 The Bessemer, Millennium Gallery, Sheffield, U.K